Current Leadership

Officers Council

Dr. Wieslaw V Rentowski, DMA, President
Dr. Alan Goldspiel, Vice-President and Young Composers Competition Coordinator
Alex Shapira, Secretary, Membership Coordinator
Dr. Ian Evans Guthrie, Treasurer
Dr. Andrew Sigler, Past President

David Peoples,  Director of Communications

Board of Directors

Dr. Greg A Steinke, Ph.D. (At Large)
(Chapter Representatives)
Max Lifchitz (East Coast)
David Raiklen (Los Angeles)
Harvey J. Stokes (Mid-Atlantic)
Dr. Goldspiel (Mid-South)
Davide Verotta (San Francisco)
Sylvia Constantinidis, M.M. (Southeast)
Mark Jacobs (Southern Oregon)
Dr. Wieslaw V Rentowski, DMA (Texas)
Kevin Lay (Cascadia)
Dinah Bianchi  (Sounds New)

NACUSA Communications Team

Director, David Peoples
Social Media Coordinator, Hannah Heaton Adhikari
ComposerUSA/Blog Coordinator, Matthew Durrant
Opportunities Coordinator, Open/TBD
YouTube Coordinator, Open/TBD


Dr. Greg A Steinke, Ph.D.; Dr. Deon Nielsen Price, DMA; Daniel Kessner  - Presidents Emeritus